Allied Organisations

Show your commitment to business agility by becoming an allied organisation and we’ll support you to grow in agility, right across your business.


The Agile Business Consortium is the professional body for business agility. We’re a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to advancing business agility. Business agility extends well beyond any frameworks, and so our global community is agnostic and inclusive – representing all domains of agile and agility.

When your organisation is striving to become more agile in its approach, it helps to be connected with a wide community of business agility specialists. We can help you and your teams build knowledge and competence to deliver your organisation’s strategy in an adaptive and sustainable way.


As an Allied Organisation you will benefit from:

  • A dedicated relationship manager and regular check-ins to ensure you get the guidance and support needed to improve agility across your organisation
  • Support and guidance to use our culture, leadership and collaboration Business Agility Toolkit
  • Forward notice of events and resources to provide the best possible support for your teams
  • Access to training courses, coaching and consultancy from our fast-growing network of accredited delivery partners
  • An Agile Business Consortium ‘Allied Organisation’ logo for your website, to show your commitment to business agility

Our commitment to Allied Organisations

We’ll stay alongside you, keeping track of how your challenges evolve and working with you to either provide or signpost you to the support you need.

Most importantly, you’ll know that when it comes to growing in business agility, you’re not alone.

The Agile Business Consortium provides:

  • Learning & development routes to Business Agility Professional status
  • Events that build knowledge of excellence in business agility
  • Access to speakers and workshops for internal events or conferences
  • Tools & templates
  • eBooks & resources


Join our growing list of partner organisations

Westminster Business School logo Northumberland Uni Logo E.On Logo




Interested in becoming an Allied Organisation?