Apply for an Award

Applications to be submitted by 25th November 2024


Why Apply?

The Agile Business Awards aim to champion the good practices that are changing the future of work – across the whole spectrum of business agility.

If you would like others to know how you’ve been changing the way you work in your organisation, you can apply for a prestigious Agile Business Award. It’s a rigorous process, but the gains are great!

Apply Now!

Entry Categories

Choose 1 of 4 entry categories:

Your completed application will be assessed by an independent panel of expert reviewers. ALL applicants will receive an extensive feedback report, regardless of whether they are selected for an Award.

Successful applicants are invited to speak at the Agile Business Conference. A conference filled with the latest good practices in business agility!

Could you be a part of this and make a contribution that changes the world of work for others?

Save the Dates!

  • 25th November 2024 22:00 GMT/UTC - Deadline date for applications to be submitted. Ready to apply? Apply Now!
  • 3rd February 2025 - Organisations will be informed whether they have been selected and are invited to speak at the Awards Conference
  • 4th February 2025 - Announcement of selected organisations for each category i.e. those that will be invited to present at the Conference
  • 26th & 27th March 2025 - Agile Business Awards Conference. Register Now!
Agile Business Awards 2025


Application Support

For support with your application, please refer to the Award Application Guidance PDF.

Successful applicants are invited to speak at the Agile Business Conference.

The deadline date for applications to be submitted is 25th November 2024.

Award Application Guidance



Nominate an Organisation

Would you like to nominate an organisation and encourage them to enter? Please include their full contact details in the form below. We’ll ping them an email and let them know you’ve nominated them.

Let us know which organisation you’re nominating and the award you think they deserve:

Applicant FAQs

Successful organisations receive:

  • Detailed feedback report from an independent panel of expert reviewers
  • A chance to tell your story at the Agile Business Conference
  • Recognition and acknowledgement as an outstanding organisation
  • Be part of a new style of Conference that’s changing the way we work

This is a great opportunity to receive public recognition and publicity around your achievements and to present at the Agile Business Conference. A badge, certificate and kudos will be awarded along with the recognition. There is no cash prize.

The deadline for awards applications is 25th November 2024.

Successful organisations will be contacted the week commencing 3rd February 2025 and invited to speak at the Agile Business Conference 26th & 27th March 2025.

The Agile Business Conference will be delivered live. Recorded sessions will be used as needed to account for the variance in time zones.

All our Award Winners are invited to speak at the Agile Business Conference, and we will record those talks and add them to the Agile Business Consortium website. These videos will be available to anyone visiting our website. We may also use the content of your talk, appropriately attributed, within other resources and case studies published by the Consortium.

Successful organisations will be recognised for excellence in the category for which they have applied. There are currently no categories exclusively dedicated to individual excellence, although this can be covered in an organisation’s entry.

The review panel’s assessment will be based on the Framework for Business Agility. The application therefore has to:

  • Describe what has been achieved in the areas of the Framework for Business Agility
  • Provide evidence (including screen-grabs, verbatim quotes, pictures) which can be uploaded to support the story 

Download the Application guidance document

There are four awards categories this year: 

  1. Agility in Finance, Procurement​ & Contracts
  2. Agility in HR​ 
  3. Agility in Marketing
  4. Overall Business Agility

The Agile Business Consortium reserves the right to move applications to a different category.

We aim to select 12 winners; outstanding organisations that provide examples of excellence across all the categories.

Every entry will be reviewed by three independent reviewers. Each reviewer will be given a list of applicant names, before submissions are sent to them, to ensure there is no conflict of interest.

Yes, these awards are designed to shine a light on great practices within functional divisions as well as across a whole enterprise.

The overall list of reviewers will be made public after all submissions have been received, 25th November 2024.

Just know they are knowledge experts in that field, and you will want to impress them!

No, not on this occasion! We want to stay as inclusive as possible and choosing a location will exclude many. Virtually, we can reach you all, and without the stress of travelling!

If you would like to opt into a physical meet, please let us know and we can consider this for alternative events and opportunities.

Award entries will be assessed by an independent panel of experts within the broad perspective of the Framework for Business Agility.

Who can enter or nominate:

  • Organisations intentionally aligning their agile principles and practices to one of the awards categories
  • Organisations including one of the categories in a wider agile transformation
  • Organisations applying agility only within one of the awards categories
  • Membership of, or affiliation with, the Agile Business Consortium is not required
  • Organisations may enter multiple categories of these awards
  • Organisations may nominate themselves to enter
  • Organisations supporting an awards category may nominate other organisations for that category

Who cannot enter:

  • Organisations sponsoring an award category
  • Third parties representing an organisation
  • Organisations or divisions that have applied successfully for the same category within the past 3 years
  • Consultancies and those providing services related to agile working

We’d like to emphasise this isn’t a competition, it’s an opportunity to congratulate one another on how far we’ve come. We are unable to share direct information about others who have applied. Should you wish to apply, you can be sure of high level of privacy around the details you will share.

We are looking for evidence of what has been actioned in your organisation to improve agility, rather than your English language skills. So there’s no need to use AI or other models. Applications will be assessed purely on content and authenticity. Reviewers will not be evaluating your use of English, or grammar, so please do not be tempted to use ChatGpt or other Artificial Intelligence (AI) or machine learning models to create your application. Applications will be screened for use AI and machine learning models. Any applications that appear to have been generated in this way will be returned.