Agility in Finance, Procurement, and Contracts


Choose 1 of 4 entry categories: 

Agility in Finance, Procurement, and Contracts

Through the Agile Business Awards, we aim to recognise organisations' achievements relating to agility in Finance. This Awards process is framework agnostic and inclusive. Applications are welcomed from organisations that: 

  • focus on agility through a specific framework,  
  • use a hybrid that includes elements from many frameworks, or  
  • have changed the way they work by shifting to an agile mindset, supporting their approach with a selection of tools and techniques. 

This award recognises those using agile principles and practices across contracting, procurement and finance; organisations that have introduced ways of working that balance the need for financial reporting and control, with the flexibility needed to make room for innovation in the face of enduring change and uncertainty. 

Achieving Agility in Finance requires compliance processes and reporting to blend with the trust that allows innovation, partnerships and collaboration to thrive.  We are looking for organisations that have achieved an agile ethos and culture, whilst also defining boundaries for budgets, procurement and contractual relationships. Balance is key to excellence in Agile Finance, so that risk to the business is controlled, regulatory compliance is assured, and a robust legal framework protects all collaborations and third party relationships.



Who can and cannot enter

Award entries will be assessed by an independent panel of experts within the broad perspective of the Framework for Business Agility.

 Who can enter or nominate:

  • Organisations intentionally aligning their finance, contracts and procurement to agile principles and practices  
  • Organisations including finance, contracts and procurement in a wider agile transformation  
  • Organisations applying agility only within finance, contracts and procurement 
  • Membership of, or affiliation with, the Agile Business Consortium is not required  
  • Organisations also entering other categories of these awards  
  • Organisations may nominate themselves to enter  
  • Organisations sponsoring an award category may nominate other organisations for that category 

Who cannot enter:

  • Organisations sponsoring an award category  
  • Third parties representing an organisation 
  • Organisations or divisions that have applied successfully within the past 3 years 
  • Consultancies and those providing services related to agile working 


 Agility in Finance Supporters

The Corrie Partnership Ltd
Beyond Budgeting Institute
TCC Training and Consultancy