Become a Reviewer


Become a Reviewer

Being a volunteer reviewer for the Agile Business Awards is a great opportunity to make a positive contribution to advancing business agility.

  • You can raise your professional profile and make a positive contribution to advancing business agility. You will have loads of learnings on offer both from the entries themselves and the discussions with others on the reviewing panel.
  • You may have the opportunity to host sessions during the live event should you wish too
  • Connect with other industry experts to review these outstanding applications
  • Learn firsthand and hear agile success stories
  • Be appreciated and acknowledged as an Agile Business Awards 2024 reviewer
  • Opportunity to join and start Special interest groups
  • Receive Credly badge to support your CV and profile

Commitment from us

We will:

  • Help you as best we can on how to score award applications (webinar November TBC)
  • Provide easy-to-use informative formats
  • Be available, approachable, and communicative 😊
  • Provide you with information as early as possible
  • Publish your name as one of the reviewers on the website – after the application deadline

Commitment from you

You will:

  • Review each application without bias
  • Evaluate content and evidence as per guidance offered
  • Declare any relationships held that may preclude your evaluation of an entry
  • Attend the webinar (November 2024, TBC) or watch the recording
  • Support and positively represent the Agile Business Awards brand at all times
  • Pass back to the Agile Business Consortium any relevant feedback pertaining to the awards event or the awards process

Enquire About Becoming a Reviewer



Reviewer FAQs 

You can raise your professional profile and gain recognition for making a positive contribution to advancing business agility. Be part of the growing community of Business Agility experts. There will be a whole host of learnings on offer, both from the entries themselves and the discussions with others on the review panel. You may also have the opportunity to host sessions during the live event, should you wish to.

As the professional body for business agility, we know it’s not all about qualifications! As a reviewer, it’s important you have good experience in the category you’re looking to review and a deep understanding of agile and business agility.

No. Due to conflict of interest, you are unable to both apply and review.

Before receiving applications for review, you will be sent a list of applicant organisation names. This is so that no reviewer will evaluate entries from organisations with whom they have, or have had, a relationship. Please let us know if this applies once you have received this list.

Register here and we’ll be sure to send you updates.

You will find out whether you are a successful reviewer when we have finalised the review panels. Please note, if you are not successful there will be other ways you can contribute to the awards and conference.

To be aware of:  

  • Training will be provided for all reviewers in a webinar on the evaluation process for applications 
  • 25th November 2024, 22:00 GMT/UTC – Deadline for Awards applications
    Before receiving applications for review, you will be sent a list of applicant organisation names. This is so that no reviewer will evaluate entries from organisations with whom they have a relationship or potential conflict. Please let us know if this applies once you have received that list. 
  • Before receiving applications for review, you will be sent a list of applicant organisation names. This is so that no reviewer will evaluate entries from organisations with whom they have a relationship or potential conflict. Please let us know if this applies once you have received that list. At this point, you will be asked to confirm you have no relationship with the applicants you are going to review.
  • Early December – Applications will be sent to you for review
  • Early January 2024 22:00 GMT/UTC – Deadline for application reviews
  • January TBC – Balancing reviewer panels per category
  • 3rd February – Organisations will be informed whether they have been selected for awards and are invited to speak at the Agile Business Conference
  • February – Public announcement of selected organisations for each category i.e., those that will be invited to present at the Conference
  • 26th & 27th March – Agile Business Conference

Reviewers will have 6 weeks to review. Note: dates may be open to minor changes, but reviewers should be able to confirm their availability during December.

We strive for a maximum of 2 applications per reviewer. This will depend on the number of applications we receive and the number of reviewers we have on the review panel. Please be assured that our goal is for each reviewer not to be overloaded!

This will vary by application - we suggest to allow 8 hours of concentrated work and writing up of notes per application.

There will be regular reviewer check-ins.
These sessions are optional to meet other reviewers, ask any questions about the process and guidance criteria.

In addition there will be the Reviewer Training Webinar, which will be recorded for those who cannot attend on the day.

For support with the review process and criteria, please refer to the Award Reviewer Guidance PDF and the Award Reviewer Criteria. 

Reviewers will receive their Credly badge after the review process. The Credly badge is only given to those reviewers who have participated in the Awards review process.
Sharing the badge on LinkedIn can support your CV and profile.