Neil Walker - Business Agility and Simplicity; a Mission Impossible!

Agile Business Conference 2021

12 Nov 2021

Many recognise the journey to business agility as long, arduous, and for some, fraught with danger. For many though, it will prove to be a mission impossible. The ensuing implosion destabilises the organisation, often publicly into oblivion.

Those that imagine the art of the possible grasp that the mission can be achieved with simplicity. In our seemingly high-octane world, where speed, agility and performance count, it’s about choosing what to do and what to ignore. Sensing and responding accordingly.

Unfortunately, that's when things go inextricably wrong. In today’s VUCA world we constantly face complexity. But seemingly too many people seek to make things increasingly more complex. Very few people trying to make them simpler. But simplicity has real value.

In an organisational context, is it better to simplify your value stream or continue surviving with the existing complexity, probably in the hope that competitors don’t catch you up? The mission, should you choose to accept it, is simplicity possible in business agility.